
A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Барер о несчастном Людовике XVI."Он ел как свинья и пил как рыба"

10.08.2016 в 19:46

Уж сказал так сказал :alles:
10.08.2016 в 19:48

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Уж эти...остроумные...французы
Картинка кстати пришлась..
10.08.2016 в 20:03

А где картинка? :shuffle:
10.08.2016 в 20:21

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
В моем комменте.
10.08.2016 в 20:38

Не видно ее.
11.08.2016 в 16:48

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Извините, я идиотка. Я аватарку имела в виду.
11.08.2016 в 17:01

А я уж ждала Луи в виде свинтуса ))
11.08.2016 в 17:06

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Или рыбы.