
A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Robespierre was known to be ‘the incorruptible,’ but this has changed because of the Jacobin Club and the dictatorship he had. The Jacobin Club has played a great role in the French Revolution since it was the power behind the execution of Louis XVI. It also watched over the members of society considered to be rebellious against the Reign of Terror. This encouraged Robespierre in executing people, including very famous people like Georges Danton. Since he chose dictatorship in keeping France economically and socially stable, this made him unpopular. From the French citizen’s perspective, there has been a Louis XVI 2nd in place of Louis XVI. Also Robespierre didn’t solve any social or economical problems, which angered the citizens as well leading to the arrest of Robespierre. Robespierre was executed the day after the arrest, July 28th 1794.
Я тут ясно не могу распознать Робеспьера.Он сидит на чем-то вроде трона?

20.06.2012 в 15:22

Вообще не видела такую картинку, и не могу понять, что здесь изображено. Якобинский клуб? :upset:
21.06.2012 в 09:21

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Видимо. Это карикатура. явно.