A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Автор "Пророчества Казота". ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B0%...
До 1793 г. он был ярым республиканцем, все его идеи носили революционный характер; но, попав в тюрьму во время террора, он вышел из неё «обращенным», сделался верующим христианином и, возобновив лекции в 1794 г., стал громить «врагов совести и нравственности, искусства и литературы».
La Harpe was a disciple of the "philosophes", supporting their extreme party through the excesses of 1792 and 1793. In 1793, he returned to edit the Mercure de France, which blindly adhered to the revolutionary leaders. Nonetheless, in April 1794, La Harpe was seized as a "suspect". In prison he underwent a spiritual crisis which he described in convincing language, emerging an ardent Catholic and a political reactionary. When he resumed his chair at the Lycée, he attacked his former friends in politics and literature. He was sufficiently imprudent to begin the publication of his 1774-1791 Correspondance littéraire in 1801 with the grand-duke (and later emperor) Paul of Russia. In these letters he surpassed the brutalities of the Mercure.
До 1793 г. он был ярым республиканцем, все его идеи носили революционный характер; но, попав в тюрьму во время террора, он вышел из неё «обращенным», сделался верующим христианином и, возобновив лекции в 1794 г., стал громить «врагов совести и нравственности, искусства и литературы».
La Harpe was a disciple of the "philosophes", supporting their extreme party through the excesses of 1792 and 1793. In 1793, he returned to edit the Mercure de France, which blindly adhered to the revolutionary leaders. Nonetheless, in April 1794, La Harpe was seized as a "suspect". In prison he underwent a spiritual crisis which he described in convincing language, emerging an ardent Catholic and a political reactionary. When he resumed his chair at the Lycée, he attacked his former friends in politics and literature. He was sufficiently imprudent to begin the publication of his 1774-1791 Correspondance littéraire in 1801 with the grand-duke (and later emperor) Paul of Russia. In these letters he surpassed the brutalities of the Mercure.