
A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Нашлось 34 англоязычных фика с пейр нгом Робеспьер/Сен-Жюст. Ссылку дам завтра.

04.05.2018 в 01:29

Let the bullets fly, oh let them rain
Здорово! Вот это богатство. Буду очень ждать)) а на каком ресурсе?
04.05.2018 в 14:25

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
На archive of our own
04.05.2018 в 18:07

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05.05.2018 в 16:43

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Miss Madnesss, archiveofourown.org/tags/Maximilien%20Robespier...*s*Louis%20Antoine%20de%20Saint-Just/works EleonoreD Ой, нет спасибо большое.;);)
05.05.2018 в 20:48

тереза-с-севера, сама сравнительно недавно узнала...