
A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
А вчера был день историка. kate-kapella.diary.ru/p221129391_s-dnem-istorik...

29.03.2022 в 15:20

Поздравляю, хоть и с опозданием! :)
29.03.2022 в 15:20

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
29.03.2022 в 20:30

...не терпит суеты.
тереза-с-севера, поздравляю! :):)
30.03.2022 в 14:33

A small part of mankind had the courage to try to make man into. . . man. Well, the experiment was not successful.
Спасибо! :heart: